Uveyom Simchaschem
The Rebbe talking to R' Moshe
Motzoei Rosh Hashana 5740
Towards the end of kos shel bracha, the Rebbe told the chazzan, Reb Moshe Teleshevsky, to put the words of the possuk ‘Uveyom Simchaschem’ to the niggun that was being sung at the moment. The Rebbe added that in a piyut, the first words are repeated after each stanza, as in the piyut ‘Ulay Yerachem.’ (When he didn’t understand what the Rebbe was saying, the Rebbe told him, “Aren’t you a composer?!”)
Reb Moshe tried figuring it out and teaching it to the crowd, but it didn’t go over very well. Finally, after fifteen or twenty minutes, the Rebbe said: “A Simchas Torah’dike niggun vet mistame gein besser - A Simchas Torah niggun will probably work better.” They began singing “Zol shoin zain di geula” without the words.