
"Avrohom’anyu our father, why do you not beseech Hashem on our behalf?! You haven’t beseeched for us, you haven’t prayed for us, that we should return to our land!

Yitzchok’anyu our father…

Yaakov’anyu our father…

Eisav our uncle, why do you torment us?! You have eaten all our bread, you have drunk all of our Vodka. You have robbed us of all our money. Get away from us!"

This Niggun originates from the Chassidim in Klimovitch. When the Rebbe heard Rabbi Berel Zaltzman sing the last part of the song at that Kos Shel Bracha, he cut him off and exclaimed in Russian using opposite words than the song: Eisav doesn’t eat our bread, he doesn’t drink our Vodka and he doesn't rob us of our money! Some recall the Rebbe saying:

עס איז א שאד די צייט טענה'ן זיך מיט עשו...

- it's a waste of time talking with Esav.